1、Teledyne Optimum Optical Systems is designs and manufactures optics, optomechincal assemblies, and electrooptics;Teledyne PDS is a multipurpose software platform and supports a wide range of tasks within hydrography , dredge guidance , construction support, search amp;Teledyne Analytical Instruments manufactures gas and liquid analyzers, sensors and custom integrated analysis solutions This includes hazardous area solutions。
2、首先,DALSA是一个品牌名称,全称是Teledyne DALSA,是美国航天局NASA的合作伙伴,美国四大联赛转播相机的提供商其次,Teledyne DALSA一直致力于提供机器视觉组件和解决方案是一家全球领先企业,产品范围包括图像传感器相机。
3、Teledyne DALSA 设计,开发,生产,销售数字成像设备和解决方案,同时提供半导体产品和服务核心竞争力专注于集成电路和电子技术,软件,以及高级半导体晶圆处理DALSA 生产有技术领先的工业相机,如需了解DALSA工业相机相关内容可;Teledyne Technologies Incorporated “Teledyne” announced today that it has completed the acquisition of RESON AS “RESON” RESON。
4、Thousand Oaksbased Teledyne Technologies plans to acquire Canadabased DALSA for $335 million Recently, they have traded their Mobilebased。