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  • 类型:体育竞技
  • 时间:2024-01-28
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  • 作者:小编

标签: 影响世界的发明英语

360检测 腾讯管家



I think the most important modern invention is the InternetWith the Internet,we can do many thingsFor example,we can shop,learn knowledge,listen to music,and watch movies onlineThe Internet makes the world;The compass As we all know,there are four important inventions in China,even in the worldThey are the results of Chinese peopleBut I think the compass is more important than the othersBecause of it,we。

最新发明 这一最新发明扫描仪,使用一个小到移动设备上的音频输入插孔插头它读取的信用卡刷卡时,它的信息该信息不存储在设备上,但在安全加密通道发送给银行它基本上让任何移动电话的受理登记卡支付现金作为付款人,您将收;Various signs indicate that the world#39s greatest invention is computer 世界上最伟大的发明 每个人对世界上最伟大的发明的认识不同,而我认为,电脑是最伟大的在当今的信息时代,电脑为我们带来了不少便利它使我们。

互联网并不是一个真正的世界,我们不能分辨真理所在所以,爱上了别人 在互联网上并不安全,是我们学习不好我们要保持清醒走出itThat氏首先我knowGood运气你 确实,李华 篇三我爱电脑 I love computers Love;2无尽大楼 韩国的隐形大楼The Tower Infinity被时代杂志列为2013年25项最伟大发明之一这座楼预计在2016年完成世界上大多数建筑师都把它视为一个建筑奇迹,它将在建筑和工程界打开新的视野3AbioCor人造心脏 2。


1、1 Great inventions have transformed our world, making our lives easier and more comfortable2 From electricity and the light bulb to the internet and smartphones, these inventions have brought about tremendous。

2、发明的9年级英语作文1 There are many inventions that have changed the world so much Here is a short introduction For example, a digital camera was invented by Steve J Sasson It was invented in 1975。

3、发明的英文翻译是invention,在句中作为名词使用,具体分析如下invention 英 #618n#712ven#643nn发明发明物 相关短语1back an invention支持发明 2commercialize an invention使发明商品化 3make an。

4、小发明改变大世界的英语作文Good morning,everyone! Today I#39m going to talk about inventionsInventions are created every day because people would like to make life easierThere are famous inventions like the TV。

5、The first person to successfully create steam locomotive,Stephenson is a British engineer and train 13 George Stephenson ,17811848 invention He started the engine and pump research work in the coal mines。

6、let the life of people rich, interesting So television is a great invention that changed the world电视是由苏格兰人约翰·洛吉·贝尔德于1925年发明的人们把约翰·洛吉·贝尔德在伦敦的一次实验中“扫描”出木偶的图。


1、The Four Great Inventions of ancient China are, according to Chinese tradition and the British scholar and biochemist Joseph NeedhamThe Compass Gunpowder Papermaking Printing These inventions are celebrated in Chines。

2、印刷机至今仍然是最具影响力的发明之一,通过书面文字塑造我们的世界 最伟大的发明英语作文 篇五 Vaccines have been among the greatest inventions in the field of medicine, saving countless lives by preventing the spread o。


3、Invetation has changed the world so much,and changed our lifeFor example,TV and bike change our life and bring us convenientWe watch TV,we ride bike,TV let us know the world,bike can take us every。




